Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Autor Elio Campitelli

Nos complace anunciar el nuevo Grupo de Trabajo de Documentación Multilingüe del R Consortium.Este Grupo de Trabajo surgió luego de varias conversaciones durante el R Project Sprint 2023 y supervisará la implementación del soporte de documentación multilingüe en R y organizará los esfuerzos de traducción de la comunidad.Nuestro primer proyecto es el paquete (experimental) rhelpi18n que añade soporte en R para el uso de

Veröffentlicht in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Autor Elio Campitelli

We are happy to announce the brand-new R Consortium Multilingual Working Group.This Working Group came about after discussions during the R Project Sprint 2023 and will oversee the implementation of multilingual documentation support in R and organise community translation efforts.Our first project is the (experimental) rhelpi18n package, which adds multilingual documentation support!

Veröffentlicht in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Autor Jeroen Ooms

ul a:hover{text-decoration: underline;}Pretty permanent URLs! We have improved the URL schema for the front-end to make it even easier to find and share a link to an R package, article, API, or other resource. The old URLs will now automatically be redirected to the new locations, so this should be a non-breaking change.

Veröffentlicht in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Autor Jeroen Ooms

Two new packages! We released two new packages that we are using in r-universe to render package documentation: postdoc and prismjs. The goal of postdoc is very simple: generate beautiful single-page package manuals in HTML format. Postdoc uses our prismjs and katex packages for server-side highlighting and math.

Veröffentlicht in Underworld Geodynamics Community
Autoren Julian Giordani, John Mansour

How does Underworld scale on a HPC? In this post we showcase how Underworld 2.11 scales across two of Australia's premiere HPC systems. Gadi - Magnus - The reference model chosen for this scaling showcase is a extended 3D stokes flow: Analytic Solution SolDB3D . Q1P0 elements were used and a fixed solver iteration count for solving the saddle point problem.

Veröffentlicht in Underworld Geodynamics Community
Autor Romain Beucher

The new generation of Apple Mac comes with the new Apple Silicon (M1) chip which has an Arm architecture (as opposed to the older generation that had i386 Intel processor). This brings all manner of troubles and requirements for the development of codes. Here I detail how to install Underworld on Mac OSX Big Sur 11.5.2 (Apple Silicon) using Python 3.9 Important Note: The following guide uses the CMake branch of Underworld.

Veröffentlicht in lab.sub - Articles

First of all - I could have put much more words in the title because we are covering a complete workflow for our TYPO3 documentation (for our customers and their sites). We will see the tools used, how it is organized and finally how it is deployed. Format TYPO3 used to use an OpenOffice-based documentation shipped as *.sxw files ages ago.

Veröffentlicht in Underworld Geodynamics Community
Autoren Julian Giordani, Louis Moresi, John Mansour

To date weak scaling tests have been run on two of the largest computers in Australia: Gadi (NCI) and Magnus (Pawsey). Here we present the results of those tests and discuss: Gadi: Weak scaling - SolDB3D Q1 Gadi: Weak scaling - SolDB3D Q2 Magnus: Weak scaling - SolDB3D Q2 - v2.10 vs v2.9 Underworld's Gadi installation is setup as a