Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in iPhylo

Browsing JSTOR's Global Plants database I was struck by the number of comments people have made on individual plant specimens. For example, for the Holotype of Scorodoxylum hartwegianum Nees (K000534285) there is a comment from Håkan Wittzell that the "Collection number should read 1269 according to Plantae Hartwegianae". In JSTOR the collection number is 1209. Now, many (if not all) of these specimens will also be in GBIF.

Veröffentlicht in iPhylo

As much as I like the idea of a globally unique, resolvable identifier, my recent experience with JSTOR is making me wonder.JSTOR has three identifiers for articles it archives, DOIs, SICIs, and stable URLs (the later being introduced with the new platform released April 4, 2008). Previously JSTOR would publish DOIs for many of its articles.