Rogue Scholar Beiträge

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As part of the series on development of early career researchers in the lab, we spent a session (with homework) to learn how to write a document in LaTeX. Like the R session, we spent an hour or so in a room with laptops writing a document and then homework was set, to be completed for the following week. There’s a mix of TeX abilities in the lab.

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As part of the series on development of early career researchers in the lab, we spent three sessions over three weeks learning the basics of R. In my book “The Digital Cell”, I advocate R as the main number-crunching software but the R literacy in my lab is actually quite mixed. In order to know how to pitch the training, I conducted a quick poll in our lab Slack workspace to find out what R skills people in the lab already had.

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Part of a series on the development of Early Career Researchers in the lab. The idea for the CV clinic came from the lab themselves. We had previously had a session on creating a research profile and a large part of that session was spent looking at CVs. We scrutinised some anonymised CVs and suggested improvements to them. From this, the idea came to put everyone’s CVs through the same treatment!

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Part of a series on the development of Early Career Researchers in the lab. We spent a session discussing how to create a research profile. This led to a second session on CVs. Here is an outline of what we covered. CVs We talked about different CV formats first of all. We focussed on academic CVs mainly, but we discussed the differences between academic and CVs for jobs outside academia.

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How can we contribute to the development of early career researchers in a lab environment? I’m talking about how people in the lab acquire “soft skills” or “get better” in ways that are parallel to doing research. This sort of training can get overlooked in the chase for new results and the excitement of doing biomedical research. I’m testing out a strategy to develop the skills of people in the lab. It’s an experiment.