Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

As I noted a week ago, to my enormous surprise I was invited to be one of the two participants in the plenary debate the closes the annual meeting of my long-term nemesis, the Society for Scholarly Publishing. I was to propose the motion “The open access movement has failed” in ten minutes or less, followed by Jessica Polka’s statement against the motion;

Veröffentlicht in Open Access Brandenburg
Autor Ben Kaden

Unlängst erschien der Open-Access-Monitoring-Bericht 2022 der niederländischen Wissenschaftsorganisationen und Forschungsförderer Nederlandse Organisatie voor Wetenschappelijk Onderzoek (NWO) und ZorgOnderzoek Nederland (ZonMW), der für die insgesamt 5.763 in geförderten Projekten entstandenen vorwiegend Zeitschriftenpublikationen eine Open-Access-Quote von 93 % feststellt.

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Autor Björn Brembs

Jeffrey “predatory journals” Beall famously catapulted himself out of any serious debate with an article in the journal TripleC, entitled “The Open-Access Movement is Not Really about Open Access”. In it, Beall claimed that OA proponents don’t care about access, but that they form an “anti-corporatist movement that wants to deny the freedom of the press to companies it disagrees with”. The article is so replete with similarly unhinged fairy

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Autor Björn Brembs

Yesterday, cOAlition S published their updated principles and implementation guidelines for #PlanS, together with the rationale behind the update. This constitutes a very much welcome effort, as evidence of the increasing awareness among funders as to their potential leverage in infrastructure modernization, at a time when institutions have apparently abandoned their faculty completely.

Veröffentlicht in Europe PMC News Blog
Autor Europe PMC Team

Plan S is an initiative for immediate and full open access to scholarly research publications put forward by cOAlition S, an international consortium of research funders. In November 2018 specific implementation guidance on the Plan S principles has been released to the public with the aim of gathering feedback from various Plan S stakeholders, including researchers, publishers, funders, and other interested parties.