Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Science in the Open
Autor Cameron Neylon

In a few hours I will be giving a short presentation to the whole of the PSB conference on the workshop that we ran on Monday. We are still thinking through the details of what has come out of this and hopefully the discussion will continue in any case so this is a personal view. The slides for the presentation are available at Slideshare. To me there were a couple of key points that came out.

Veröffentlicht in Science in the Open
Autor Cameron Neylon

Just a very brief rundown of what happened at the workshop this morning and some central themes that came out of it. The slides from the talks are available on Slideshare and recorded video from most of the talks (unfortunately not Dave de Roure‘s or Phil Bourne‘s at the moment) is available on my Mogulus channel ( – click on Video on Demand and select the PSB folder). The commentary from the conference is