Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in chem-bla-ics

Scholia is a visual layer on top of Wikidata providing a rich user experience for browing scholarly research related knowledge. I am using the combinatie for various things, including exploring new research topics (a method, compound, or protein I do not know so much about yet), indexing notable research output (including citations), progress of Citation Typing Ontology uptake, etc.

Veröffentlicht in chem-bla-ics

Noting that in the coming week I am not attending the ELIXIR All Hands in Uppsala. Having lived in (and around) Uppsala for more than three years, I am disappointed and with the first stories from colleagues coming in even more. But it has been a way too busy year, I have much to finish up, and I need to take care of myself too. I am not 32 anymore. But in the past two weeks I did attend two workshops.

Veröffentlicht in FAIR Data Digest

Hi everyone, in today’s slightly more technical edition I will focus on my recent encounters with the Linked Data query language SPARQL. Many of you may know it as a language to retrieve data (possibly from Wikidata). I mainly use it for a project where I recently found some performance issues that could be resolved by either rewriting the query or changing the approach.

Veröffentlicht in FAIR Data Digest

Hi everyone, this week it’s all about hands-on! I will talk about a webinar on trying to fix quality issues in Wikidata by using its ontology. Additionally I will share a few resources around basics and advanced uses of the query language SPARQL that is used to query Linked Data, for example from Wikidata.

Veröffentlicht in BIOgarabatos

La Web semántica consiste en generar contenidos en la Web que estén etiquetados y marcados con metadatos que describan el significado a través de tripletes, para esto se usa el lenguaje semántico RDF. Una vez estructurada la información semánticamente, es posible generar conjuntos de datos que sean procesables y realizar análisis y visualizaciones con ellos. SPARQL es el lenguaje diseñado para realizar consultas en un conjunto de RDFs.

Veröffentlicht in BIOgarabatos

SPARQL es una herramienta muy poderosa y la comunidad de Wikidata ha creado una variedad de alternativas para generar consultas de manera sencilla, amigable y versátil, repasemos algunas de las que más me gustan:

Veröffentlicht in iPhylo

I've released a very crude GraphQL endpoint for WikiData. More precisely, the endpoint is for a subset of the entities that are of interest to WikiCite, such as scholarly articles, people, and journals. There is a crude demo at The endpoint itself is at