Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Liberate Science
Autoren Cathleen Berger, Chris Hartgerink

The science is clear: humanity is living beyond the regenerative capabilities of our planetary boundaries. It is easy to forget when building a business, that we are also contributing to the excess. For us to create a sustainable science, we need to create a culture of sustainability thinking across economic, social, and ecological domains.

Veröffentlicht in Liberate Science

We just released Hypergraph (Beta) v0.10.1 🎉 This is a patch release and does not introduce any new features. New releases of Hypergraph occur on the 28th of every month — we only break that cycle if there are urgent fixes that we need to ship as soon as possible (e.g., for security). If you're interested in understanding how we version our releases, check out Semantic Versioning.

Veröffentlicht in Liberate Science
Autor Patrick Sobrak-Seaton

Over the past month, I participated in a workshop led by Cassie Evans and Smashing Magazine called "The SVG Animation Masterclass". It was a fantastic workshop and inspires me to do more with animations for liberate science designs in the future. Watch this space, but until then, here's some things I wanted to share with you about my journey into animated SVGs.

Veröffentlicht in Liberate Science
Autoren Hans van Dijk, Martin Götz, Chris Hartgerink, Marino van Zelst

You can also open this content in Hypergraph (Download Hypergraph). We are gathering a group of researchers from a diverse set of disciplines to embark on an innovative research project investigating the question “ Does power corrupt? ” We decided to focus on this question because it is highly relevant in today’s research and practice, and although having engaged humanity for almost aeons, across disciplines different

Veröffentlicht in Liberate Science
Autoren Hans van Dijk, Martin Götz, Chris Hartgerink, Marino van Zelst

You can also open this content in Hypergraph (Download Hypergraph). Research articles depict a destination, but not its journey. The journey is the messy middle that not everybody wants to know, but this garden of forking paths has substantial consequences for results. Because information often gets relegated to supplemental materials or is unavailable upon request, we often cannot know the actual research journey even if we wanted to.

Veröffentlicht in Liberate Science
Autoren Chris Hartgerink, Diego Paez

In a previous post, we announced our partnership with GEUT (Argentina) to build the peer-to-peer commons (p2pcommons) infrastructure, which powers applications like Hypergraph. Today, we're announcing the first release of the permanent seeder software. Most practically, this will help make any content shared through the Hypergraph Vault easy and fast to access.

Veröffentlicht in Liberate Science

There's little reason to blindly trust organizations, especially in these times of mass inequality. We recognize that Liberate Science is new—we want to earn your trust as we work on projects like Hypergraph. Supporting memberships are about building community and building trust. One way we aim to build trust is by reinforcing that we won't sell out.

Veröffentlicht in Liberate Science
Autoren Chris Hartgerink, Mikael Laakso

Every now and then we feature work that is shared in Hypergraph. You can choose to read it here or open it in Hypergraph (download Hypergraph here). Content suggestions can be sent to Cover image courtesy of CrossRef (CC-BY 4.0). The Digital Object Identifier (DOI) system is like a digital address book: One DOI name resolves to information on the location of the content.