Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Geo★ Down Under
Autoren Mark Quigley, Adam Pascale, Dee Ninis, Geo ★ Down Under Contributors

Australian earthquakes pose a high consequence – low likelihood risk that is widespread across the continent but is often not well characterised for some of Australia’s most important infrastructure.

Veröffentlicht in Geo★ Down Under
Autoren Dietmar Muller, Nicolas Flament, Xianzhi Cao

In Eastern Asia, Jurassic and Cretaceous intraplate volcanism and magmatism differ in their spatial distribution and composition. A combination of plate kinematic and geodynamic models provides clues for their causes.

Veröffentlicht in Geo★ Down Under
Autor Dietmar Muller

We have developed a novel data-driven approach to reconstruct precipitation patterns through geological time, since the supercontinent Pangea was in existence. Our approach involves linking climate-sensitive sedimentary deposits such as coal, evaporites and glacial deposits to a global plate model, reconstructed paleo-elevation maps and high-resolution General Circulation Models via Bayesian machine learning.

Veröffentlicht in Geo★ Down Under
Autoren Dietmar Muller, Geo ★ Down Under Contributors

Figure: Photographed on Kangaroo Island, this rock – called a ‘zebra schist’ – deformed from flat-lying marine sediments through being stressed by a continental collision over 500 million years ago. Dietmar Muller CC BY Dietmar Müller, University of Sydney ; Maria Seton, University of Sydney , and Sabin Zahirovic, University of Sydney Classical plate tectonic theory was developed in the 1960s.