Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Scholarly Communications Lab | ScholCommLab

Sanam Ebrahimzadeh, a postdoctoral fellow at the Ottawa Hospital Research Institute and a research associate at the ScholCommLab. Here, she tells us more about her research—a fascinating blend of work on data sharing, scholarly metrics, accuracy reviews, and more.

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Autor Silvio Peroni

We now seek applicants for a new three-year research fellowship to be held from March 2021, for which the application closing deadline is 7 February 2021. Plan: to strengthen the current technical and computational infrastructure.

Veröffentlicht in OpenCitations blog

We congratulate and thank Elsevier, the world’s largest academic publisher, for endorsing the DORA Declaration on Research Assessment (, thereby joining the hundreds of other publishers and scientific organizations which have endorsed DORA over the previous eight years, and also for making a commitment to open the references from all its journal articles submitted to Crossref.

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Last night I watched the Netflix documentary The Social Dilemma (, in which former employees of the big Silicon Valley social media companies expose the serious and sometimes tragic or even fatal consequences that social media may have on individual lives. These social media services are run by commercial companies under pressure from shareholders to make ever increasing profits.

Veröffentlicht in Scholarly Communications Lab | ScholCommLab

“I am convinced that openness and transparency make research outputs and outcomes better,” says Stefanie Haustein when asked what motivates her to practice open scholarship. “Knowledge produced by the scholarly community should be open to all, not hidden behind paywalls.”