Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Jabberwocky Ecology

If you don’t have an easily accessible RSS feed available (and by easily accessible I mean in the browser’s address bar on your journal’s main page) for your journal’s Table of Contents (TOCs), there is a certain class of readers who will not keep track of you TOCs.

Veröffentlicht in Jabberwocky Ecology

Within the small community of ecologist bloggers much has been of the lack of blogging (and other odd pursuits like twittering) among ecologists (this is, afterall, EEB & Flow‘s raison d’etre), and I recently read over at academHacK that “in the future [academics] can be online or be irrelevant”. So, this semester I did what I could to get some future ecologists blogging.

Veröffentlicht in Jabberwocky Ecology

It seems that it was just time for ecologists to start blogging. We have recently come across two other ecology blogs: Ecotone (the official ESA News & Views blog) which has been kicking out a respectable 4-5 posts/week on a combination of interesting papers and policy. and The EEB and flow which looks a fair bit like NCEAS circa 2007 and was started because I think EEB and flow has this one right.