Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

I have a new article out in the Journal of Data and Information Science (Taylor 2022), on a subject that will be familiar to long-time readers.

Veröffentlicht in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

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Veröffentlicht in Open Access Brandenburg
Autor Ben Kaden

Die Vernetzungs- und Kompetenzstelle wird im April zwei Schulungen anbieten. Am 14.04.2022 (13:00-13:45) wird die ursprünglich für den 01. März geplante Schulung zum DINI Zertifikat für Publikationsdienste nachgeholt. Am 28.04. (13:00-14:30) stehen Einblicke in die Workflows für die Produktion von Open-Access-Büchern in Wissenschaftsverlagen auf dem Programm. Alle Interessierten sind herzlich eingeladen.

Veröffentlicht in GigaBlog

We have a Q&A with author Tom Edinburgh from the University of Cambridge on his new GigaByte paper presenting Sepsis-3 criteria in AmsterdamUMCdb, which is one of the largest freely accessible Intensive Care database in Europe.

Veröffentlicht in OpenCitations blog
Autor Chiara Di Giambattista

The incentives for new OpenCitations innovative solutions Two years ago, in their canonical 2020 QSS paper on OpenCitations, Silvio Peroni and David Shotton anticipated the creation of the new database, OpenCitations Meta, able to “offer a faster and richer service” by storing bibliographic metadata “in house”. Meta would “ avoid duplication of data by efficiently permitting us to keep […] a single copy of the metadata for each of the

From data sharing mandates to clinical trial registration, Open Science (OS) policies for biomedical research are in no short supply. But ensuring those policies become real-world practices can be a challenge—particularly when there’s no simple way to measure success.

Veröffentlicht in GigaBlog

We are pleased to see the 2022 Junior Research Parasite Award go to Jack Pilgrim for his work published last year in GigaScience, so here we highlight the ecosystem of awards acknowledging different parts of the research cycle. Jokingly spurred by a controversial medical editorial calling people carrying out data re-use and meta-analyses “research parasites”, this gave rise to the launch of the “Research Parasite Awards” focused on

Veröffentlicht in GigaBlog

This end-of-the-year festive summary is different from previous ones:  For the first time, we can look back at a full publication year of our new baby, GigaByte journal. The older sibling GigaScience will also get the attention it deserves, before celebrating its 10th birthday in 2022. Let’s first have a look at how the new family member is doing.

Veröffentlicht in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

Well, this is a very pleasant surprise on the last day of the semester: Tito Aureliano, Aline M. Ghilardi, Bruno A. Navarro, Marcelo A. Fernandes, Fresia Ricardi-Branco, & Mathew J. Wedel. 2021. Exquisite air sac histological traces in a hyperpneumatized nanoid sauropod dinosaur from South America. Scientific Reports 11: 24207.

Veröffentlicht in OpenCitations blog
Autor Chiara Di Giambattista

“*What role does ‘open’ play in making this project special?”* This apparently easy, but not banal, question was asked in the Open Publishing Awards nomination form, and at OpenCitations we prefaced our answer to it by stating “For OpenCitations, ‘open’ is the crucial value and the final purpose.” We consider the free availability of bibliographic citation data to be a necessary condition for the establishment of an open knowledge graph, and