Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in LIBREAS.Library Ideas
Autor Karsten Schuldt

In älteren Bibliotheksgebäuden gibt es sie noch vereinzelt: Räume, in denen einst die Buchbinderei untergebracht war. Manchmal finden sich sogar noch Türen, an denen Buchbinderei zu lesen steht. Aber die Räume hinter diesen Türen stehen fast überall leer oder werden anders genutzt. Heute organisieren diese Abteilungen, wenn es sie noch gibt, vor allem den Versand von Medien an Buchbindereien außerhalb der Bibliothek.

Veröffentlicht in Quintessence of Dust
Autor Stephen Matheson

Today begins Blaugust 2024, an annual blogging festival that is fun and challenging. Last year I made it halfway through August with a post every day—this year I'm aiming for 20 posts for the month. The festival aims to create and maintain a community, and so the main theme this year is for everyone to write an "introduction to me and my blog" post.

Veröffentlicht in Stories by Research Graph on Medium
Autor Research Graph

Google’s Groundbreaking AI Model Explained Introduction In the rapidly evolving landscape of artificial intelligence, Google continues to stand at the forefront, consistently pushing the boundaries of what these technologies can achieve. One of their latest advancements, GEMMA2, represents a significant leap in AI capabilities.

Veröffentlicht in Math ∩ Programming
Autor Jeremy Kun

Last update: 2024-08-08T21:56:17-0700 In this living document, I will list all production systems I’m aware of that use fully homomorphic encryption (FHE). For background on FHE, see my overview of the field. If you have any information about production FHE systems not in this list, or corrections to information in this list, please send me an email with sufficient detail allow the claim to be publicly verified.

Veröffentlicht in chem-bla-ics

I am still catching up with a lot of work, and found out I actually had forgotten to blog about this cool article by Denise Slenter: “Discovering life’s directed metabolic (sub)paths to interpret human biochemical markers using the DSMN tool” (doi:10.1039/D3DD00069A). This paper explains how various open science resources (Wikidata, Reactome, WikiPathways) are used to visualize the biological story of the data from two metabolomics experiments

Veröffentlicht in Jabberwocky Ecology

One of weecology’s newest projects involves monitoring wading birds in the Everglades using drones. We need to quickly turn this imagery into data to drive ecological forecasts & guide management decisions. We do this in near real-time using computer vision models to detect birds in imagery & automated workflows to update this data as soon as new imagery is available.

Veröffentlicht in Math ∩ Programming
Autor Jeremy Kun

Ben Recht, a computer science professor at UC Berkeley, recently wrapped up a 3-month series of blog posts on Paul Meehl’s “Philosophical Psychology.” Recht has a table of contents for his blog series. It loosely tracks a set of lectures that Meehl gave in 1989 at the University of Minnesota. In it, he surveys of the philosophy of science, lays out a framework for scientific debate, and critiques scientific practice.