Rogue Scholar Beiträge

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We are proud to announce Prof Zhang Yongzhen winner the 2020 ICG-15 GigaScience Prize for Outstanding Data Sharing during the COVID-19 Pandemic . Last month was the 10th consecutive year we’ve attended our co-publisher BGI’s annual ICG (International Conference on Genomics) gathering, and the third time we have presented a prize at the meeting. This years award was for Dr. Zhang’s outstanding efforts in sharing the first

Veröffentlicht in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

We’re currently in open access week, and one of the things I’ve noticed has been a rash of tweets of the form “I support #OpenAccess because …”. Here is a random collection. We support #OpenAccess because #OpenScience needs good infrastructures. — @ZB_MED We support #OpenAccess because we believe that research results made possible by public funds should be accessible to everyone.

Veröffentlicht in Sci:Debug

Christian Gutknecht published an exciting posting on the Swiss EUR 57 million Elsevier deal in which he outlines the transformative Open Access agreement between Elsevier and swissuniversities. Since Germany has been trying for years to reach such a contract with Elsevier, it is worth comparing it with the two transformative contracts with Wiley and Springer Nature in Germany, which were reached and coordinated by Project DEAL.

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Das Read & Publish Agreement von swissuniversities mit Elsevier gilt für Publikationen, die ab dem 1. Januar 2020 bei Elsevier eingereicht werden. Allerdings wurde erst Ende Mai 2020 der Vertrag und die Liste der relevanten Journals offiziell kommuniziert. Big-Deal mit einem OA-Addendum Der Vertrag liest sich zunächst wie ein klassischer Big-Deal für Journal Subskriptionen.

Veröffentlicht in Samuel Moore
Autor Samuel Moore

Transformative agreements are an increasingly common way for universities and consortia to shift publisher business models towards open access. They do this through a prearranged payment that allows institutions to access subscription content while allowing future research to published in an openly accessible form.

Veröffentlicht in GigaBlog

C19RapidReview: cross publisher collaboration against the coronavirus pandemic The COVID-19 pandemic has created a new urgency to openly and rapidly share and review relevant research, with the world looking to science to solve the problems we currently face. While we’ve written about constructive things you can do while in lockdown, there are many more things you can’t do while locked out of the lab.

Veröffentlicht in Samuel Moore
Autor Samuel Moore

The UKRI open access consultation deadline is this Friday and we’re likely to see a flurry of responses leading up to it. One response to the consultation caught my eye today from the Friends of Coleridge, a society that ‘exists to foster interest in the life and works of the poet Samuel Taylor Coleridge and his circle’. I wanted to jot down a couple of thoughts on this because I think it represents something quite interesting about the way that