Rogue Scholar Beiträge

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To tie in with this week’s Genomic Standards Consortium (GSC) meeting in Shenzhen, GigaScience is launching a call for submissions to a thematic series of discussion and research from the conference and wider community highlighting best practice in genomics research.  As the 13th meeting of the GSC, the topic this year is “Genomes to Interactions to Communities to Models” – all areas key to the scope of the journal.

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And so we come, rather belatedly, to the fourth and final part of this series on preparing and giving talks at scientific conferences.  If you’ve followed the previous installments, you should have figured out a clear, compelling story that you want to tell from your research; you should have clear slides with striking, relevant images and no visual distractions;

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Autor Alexandra Basford

The Human Variome Project (HVP) Beijing Meeting has officially ended (though a number of delegates will be busy tomorrow at the Advisory Council meeting). The energy and commitment towards better understanding and treatment of heritable diseases displayed by both the speakers and participants was great to see. Peter Taschner’s talk on the Leiden Open (source) Variation Database (LOVD) system was very well received, and a number of

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Autor Alexandra Basford

I recently returned from the InCoB/ISCB-Asia meeting. The meeting officially ended a couple of days ago but I am still digesting the good food, the good  conversations and the good science, all of which I know will be with me a good while.  In the interest of avoiding a copious monograph, I’ll try to stick to a few personal high points.

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After many months on the road visiting conferences it’s nice when one comes to you. This weekend marks BGI’s annual big bash: the 6th International Conference on Genomics, this year held in the mock-Swiss splendor of the Shenzhen OCT East resort.

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The best part of a month ago, we posted the first two articles in a series of four on giving good talks: part 1 on planning, and part 2 on preparing the actual slides.  Then we got distracted and posted a whole sequence of articles on Open Access ([1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]).

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GigaScience was on hand to witness plenty of lively discussion last week at the annual American Society of Human Genetics jamboree: the International Conference of Human Genetics in Montreal. As always, the meeting had a strong medical genetics presence but the rapid growth and uptake of genomics technologies in the field produced much fascinating work on display this year.

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We at GigaScience always appreciate good press, and on top of the welcome coverage on blogs (e.g. this in Annals of Botany) and twitter, we are pleased with the profile of the journal in this months Bio-IT world (especially coming on top of the coverage of our database in the previous issue). The article is a nice introduction to the editors, editorial policies, and hopes for the journal, and is useful reading for those who’d