Rogue Scholar Beiträge

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On March 12th of this year, we suspended new submissions to JOSS in order to reduce the load on our volunteer team of editors and reviewers. We revisited this suspension in early April and decided to continue the pause on new submissions for at least another month. Over the past two weeks, we’ve been reviewing our current status and discussing what it might look like to reopen JOSS.

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Autoren Lorena A. Barba, Daniel S. Katz, Kevin M. Moerman, Kyle Niemeyer, Kristen Thyng, Arfon M. Smith

Once again we’re looking to grow our editorial team at JOSS. We’re especially interested in recruiting editors with expertise in bioinformatics, material science, physics, R/statistics, and the social sciences. Since our launch in May 2016, our existing editorial team has handled over 800 submissions (830 published at the time of writing, 119 under review) and the demand from the community continues to grow.

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Autoren Lorena A. Barba, Daniel S. Katz, Kyle Niemeyer, Arfon M. Smith

Following our call for editors late last year, once again we’re looking to grow our editorial team. Over the past ~40 months, our existing editorial team has handled close to 800 submissions (665 accepted at the time of writing, 101 under review) and the demand from the community continues to grow. The last three months have been our busiest yet, with JOSS publishing a little over one paper every day, and we see no sign of this demand dropping.

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Autor Lorena A. Barba

JOSS is an adventure in next generation publishing, made possible by the volunteer work of many people. Our editors, of course, guide the style and the content of the journal. And our reviewers make a uniquely valuable contribution, both to the software they’ve reviewed and to the broader community of open-source research software. Some reviewers have been extra generous in contributing.

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JOSS is expanding its editorial board and we’re opening this opportunity to the open source research software community at large. If you think you might be interested, take a look at our editorial guide which describes the editorial workflow at JOSS and also some of the reviews for recently accepted papers. Between these two, you should be able to get a good overview of what editing for JOSS looks like.

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Today we’re starting something new at JOSS: we’re collaborating with American Astronomical Society (AAS) Journals to offer software reviews for some of the papers submitted to their journals. As part of this process, AAS Publishing will make a small contribution to our parent organization NumFOCUS to support the running costs of JOSS.

Veröffentlicht in Quintessence of Dust
Autor Stephen Matheson

That's the name of our January term course, a trip to London and Edinburgh to learn about the Scottish Enlightenment and its relationship(s) to Christian belief. We'll be keeping a blog with pictures and reflections. So nothing on QoD till the end of the month.In the meantime, share Mike Beidler's several minutes of fame. Then maybe read up on experimentally-induced out-of-body experiences.

Veröffentlicht in Quintessence of Dust
Autor Stephen Matheson

Actually, my first post went up 3 August 2007, a little more than a year ago, but my first real article wasn't posted till 19 August, so I guess today is as good a day as any to celebrate. It's been a fun year, coinciding with my sabbatical, which ends [sniff] in 3 weeks. Once I'm back in my professor routine, I expect that my posting will be less erratic, especially since I requested a new office that's a bit removed from the beaten track.