Rogue Scholar Beiträge

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UPDATE: Deadline extended until 30 March 2022 or until maximum of 15 accepted manuscripts is reached—only a few slots remain! GigaScience Press partnering with GBIF are supported by TDR, the Special Programme for Research and Training in Tropical Diseases, hosted at the World Health Organization, to release a special issue for publication of new datasets presenting biodiversity data for research on vectors of human diseases.

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Genomics is a powerful technology that helps us understand the Tree of Life. Biodiversity Genomics 2021 was a virtual conference that took place on 27 th September-1st October 2021 that demonstrated how genomics can inform conservation and food security, and can additionally help us understand evolutionary novelties such as symbiosis.

Veröffentlicht in GigaBlog

“Extinction is forever – so our action must be immediate.” – Sir David Attenborough, Sept 30 th 2020 Biodiversity Genomics 2020 aimed to bring together researchers across the world to celebrate the global achievement in genome sequencing in an effort to “sequence life for the future of life”. This was a virtual conference that took place on 5 th -9 th September 2020 and the GigaScienc e team

Veröffentlicht in iPhylo

Came across Microsoft's announcement of a "A planetary computer for a sustainable future through the power of AI", complete with a glossy video featuring Lucas Joppa @lucasjoppa (see also @Microsoft_Green and #AIforEarth). On the one hand it's great to see super smart people with lots of resources tackling important questions, but it's hard not to escape the feeling that this is the classic technology company approach of framing difficult

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Our next Community Call, on March 27th, aims to help people learn about using rOpenSci’s R packages to access and analyze taxonomy and biodiversity data, and to recognize the breadth and depth of their applications. We also aim to learn from the discussion how we might improve these tools.

Veröffentlicht in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Autor Tom Webb

Programmatic access to biodiversity data is revolutionising large-scale, reproducible biodiversity research. In the marine realm, the largest global database of species occurrence records is the Ocean Biogeographic Information System, OBIS. As of January 2017, OBIS contains 47.78 million occurrences of 117,345 species, all openly available and accessible via the OBIS API.