Rogue Scholar Beiträge

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I plan to do a daily coverage of the Chemistry Development Kit Bug Squash Party (BSP). While Stefan was working hard to get the wiki machine back online after a hard-disc crash, Rajarshi, Miguel and me have been working hard. Miguel started to work on missing JUnit tests for bugs reported on SourceForge and Rajarshi fixed PMD, JavaDoc and other problems.

Veröffentlicht in chem-bla-ics

There are a number of links I wanted to blog about, but never really had time for yet. Here’s a short review of a them. Bio::Blogs is a series of summary/review articles of bio related blogs, and definately worth putting in your aggregator. Maybe someone is interested in setting up a Chemo::Blogs for chemistry blogs? My (social bookmarking) network informed me about HTML Slidy, an XHTML based PowerPoint replacement.

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ケムインフォマティクスに虚空投げ runs a story on how to calculate geometrical properties of a 3D structure using CDK’s ForceFieldTools. This class contains a few methods to calculate distances between atoms and angles between bonds. This tools class is special as it uses vecmath GVector objects, which just contain atomic coordinates, likely suitable for extensive computation, as expected in CDK’s force field implementation.

Veröffentlicht in chem-bla-ics

Bling! Bling!. Mark Wielaard announced the GNU Classpath 0.92 release, with the following changes: an alternative awt peer implementation based on Escher that uses the X protocol directly. Various ImageIO providers for png, gif and bmp images. Support for reading and writing midi files and reading .au and .wav files have been added. Various tools and support classes have been added for jar, native2ascii, serialver, keytool, jarsigner.

Veröffentlicht in chem-bla-ics

With chemometrics in mind (QSAR, data mining, …), I have started working on matrix support in Bioclipse, because the matrix is the important step between (bio-)molecular content and statistical analysis. I implemented this such that the actual matrix implementation can be freely chosen, that is, bc_statistical provides a IMatrixImplementation extension point.