Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Open Access Blog Berlin
Autor Jan Taubitz

Zitierhinweis: Taubitz, Jan (2022) Entwicklung eines Open-Science-Indikators am Beispiel des FAIR Data Dashboards der Charité – Open Access Blog Berlin. DOI: Dieser Beitrag zeigt am Beispiel des FAIR Data Dashboards der Charité — Universitätsmedizin Berlin, wie Open-Science-Indikatoren entstehen können.

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As part of the FAIRsharing Community Network (see previous blog) and joint Force11 and Research Data Alliance (RDA) FAIRsharing Working Group we have been involved in efforts to develop a shared, cross-publisher list of recommended data deposition repositories. The first fruits of these are a preprint from the working group and DataCite (of which we are also members) summarising what we feel should be the key criteria for selection.

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The 12th International Biocuration Conference was held in Cambridge, UK from April 7-10th 2019. As regular participants of the meeting you can read our write-ups of the meeting going back to 2012. This is a forum for biocurators and developers to discuss their work and to promote collaboration.

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FAIRer Sharing via FAIRsharing Image from Our aim at GigaScience is to provide the means to open up and share research data. On top of just making these available via our (new look) GigaDB database, we’ve been involved with communities that wants to maximize the utility of these research outputs by making them FAIR: Findable, Accessible, Interoperable and Reusable.