Rogue Scholar Beiträge

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The 2013 Galaxy Community Conference (GCC2013) and GigaScience are today announcing a call for papers for a special thematic focused series on studies utilizing large-scale datasets and workflows. Galaxy is an open, web-based platform for data intensive biomedical research allowing their growing community of users to reproduce and share analyses.

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With advances in sequencing technologies leading to a so-called “data deluge”, the amount of data supporting a biological study is becoming increasingly unwieldy and difficult to make available. These issues have led to a lack of transparency in analyses of sequencing data, resulting in an ever-increasing reproducibility gap.

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As we enter a new month, we have to announce some personnel changes to GigaScience , as we welcome Nicole Nogoy to the team as a Commissioning Editor from her base in New Zealand. It is with sadness we also have to say goodbye to our Assistant Editor Alexandra Basford, who has just left us to take up new challenges in Japan.

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Autor Peter Li

Scientific workflow software such as Taverna, Knime and Pipeline Pilot can overcome interoperability issues relating to the access of tools and data format conversions. Such tasks are automatically handled by the data processing pipeline during its enactment by the workflow software. Galaxy is another workflow system, and its annual conference was held last month at the University of Chicago.