Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Le blog Zotero francophone
Autor Collectif

Par défaut, les références et les pièces jointes de Zotero sont synchronisées avec les serveurs de Zotero sur lesquels le stockage gratuit est limité à 300Mo. Cette limite est facilement franchie si vous voulez synchroniser les pièces jointes entre plusieurs appareils, et notamment les fichiers PDF des articles, que vous avez dans votre bibliothèque Zotero. C’est là que le protocole WebDAV peut vous rendre service !

Veröffentlicht in Epiverse-TRACE developer space
Autor Hugo Gruson

I have recently published a series of blog posts on the reasons why one may want to start using object-oriented programming (and more specifically R S3 classes) to improve interoperability with other tools from the ecosystem. But there are still questions I have not addressed directly, even if they may have been implicitly included sometimes: what makes a good object class? What good practices in class &

Veröffentlicht in Math ∩ Programming
Autor Jeremy Kun

A quick note: you can use C++11 templates to detect struct fields by name and type, and statically branch on them. I first heard of this solution from breeze1990. Say I want to detect if a struct has a field size of type int. Create two template instantiations of the same name, here HasStaticSize that defaults to false.

Veröffentlicht in Samuel Moore
Autor Samuel Moore

Today Janneke Adema and I published a new article in the journal New Formations entitled ‘‘Just One Day of Unstructured Autonomous Time’: Supporting Editorial Labour for Ethical Publishing within the University’. The article will be available in our repositories but is also currently freely accessible via the New Formations site: (although I’m not

Veröffentlicht in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

If you want to find the paleontology and anatomy videos that Mike and I have done (plus one video about open access), they have their own sidebar page now, for your convenience and for our own. It’s, uh, just to the right of where your eyes are pointing right now.