Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Corin Wagen

Scientific software can be confusing, particularly when you're doing something that the software isn't primarily intended for. I often find myself wanting to run quick-and-dirty molecular dynamics simulations on small organic molecules, but I've struggled to find an easy way to do this using open-source tools.

Veröffentlicht in Martin Paul Eve

"End-stage renal disease is a terminal illness with a glomerular filtration rate of less than 15 mL/min." - [Hashmi et al.]( My current state is an estimated GFR of 7 with dialysis 5 days per week to replace my destroyed kidney function. But the basic fact remains that this condition is terminal; it's just the question of how long it takes to finish me off.

Veröffentlicht in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

Another quick photo post from the road. The Tate Museum has a quality in common with the Oxford Museum of Natural History, where the guiding philosophy seems to have been, “Let’s put one of every interesting thing in the world in one big room.” Tucked into a corner is this small assemblage of cast bits of ‘Jimbo’, the Wyoming Supersaurus specimen described by Lovelace et al. (2008).  Here’s a tibia. And a dorsal vertebra.

Veröffentlicht in JSC Accelerating Devices Lab

In November of 2022, I created a table comparing GPU programming models and their support on GPUs of the three vendors (AMD, Intel, NVIDIA) for a talk. The audience liked it, so I beefed it up a little and posted it in this very blog.

Veröffentlicht in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Autor Jeroen Ooms

A whole new frontend! As you may have noticed, we have given the WebUI for R-universe a big refresh. This is the biggest UX overhaul since the beginning of the project. The old “dashboard” had become a bit convoluted over the years as features and ideas were added and removed while the project was taking shape.

Veröffentlicht in A blog by Ross Mounce
Autor Ross Mounce

The day today is Tuesday 11th June 2024. It marks at least 193 days now since the subscription access journal Heterocycles (e-ISSN: 1881-0942) was taken offline by its publisher. Published since 1973, it is a “key” journal in chemistry and contains over 17,000 articles which have been cited at least 164,000 times. The journal is preserved in the CLOCKSS archive.

Veröffentlicht in Divulga-CI
Autor Divulga-CI

Editorial: Como erradicar os crimes homotransfóbicos no Brasil, de Luiz Mott Entrevista: Arthur Henrique Feijó de Almeida, Gabrielle Mansur Araújo e Laelson Felipe da Silva Perspectiva: Lauri Miranda Silva e Nilton Milanez Inovação: - um projeto de historiografia pública digital, de Ronald Canabarro Outras divulgações: Travesti bibliotecária e o processo de pesquisa e lançamento do livro “Infoeducação e transexualidades:

Veröffentlicht in Divulga-CI
Autor Divulga-CI

“Ostentamos, contudo, um terrível lado cor-de-sangue: há décadas nosso país é o campeão mundial de mortes violentas de homossexuais e trans, de mais de duzentas a quatrocentas vítimas todo ano, sobretudo travestis e gays que são barbaramente assassinados vítimas da homotransfobia estrutural. 257 mortes violentas em 2023, uma LGBT+ morta a cada 34 horas!”, apresenta o ativista e pesquisador Prof. Dr. Luiz Mott.