Rogue Scholar Beiträge

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This message appeared on the TAXACOM mailing list:Given that most specimens lack resolvable digital identifiers (a theme I've harped on about before, most recently in the context of DNA barcoding), answering this kind of query ends up being a case of searching publications for text strings that contain the acronym of the collection.

Veröffentlicht in OpenCitations blog

To accompany today’s publication in D-Lib Magazine of the article The Five Stars of Online Journal Articles – a framework for article evaluation highlighted in the previous post, I have today also published The Five Stars Ontology, a simple ontology written in OWL 2 DL that forms part of SPAR, a suite of Semantic Publishing and Referencing Ontologies.

Veröffentlicht in iPhylo

Browsing EOL I stumbled upon the recently described fish Protoanguilla palau , shown below in an image by rairaiken2011:Two things struck me, the first is that the EOL page for this fish gives absolutely no clue as to where you would to find out more about this fish (apart from an unclickable link to the Wikipedia page - seriously, a link that isn't clickable?), despite the fact this fish has been

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Data copied from JISC Expo DOAP (Description of a Project) spreadsheet at Project title : The Open Citations Project Project tag : jiscopencite Short project description We will publish reference lists from Open Access biomedical journal articles as Linked Open Citation Data at

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As part of the Open Citations Project, Alex Dutton recently completed a graphing plug-in for the Open Citations web site, that permits users to generate different kinds of graphs of citation networks by querying the Open Citation Corpus for a particular article, and either display the network of papers citing that article (input citations), papers cited by that article (output citations), or both.