Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Syntaxus baccata

I updated Citation.js to accept quickscrape's results.json. Results can be viewed here. I made a card prototype for the database HTML page, using data extracted with quickscrape. It's mainly, although not advanced, a design thing, but it's nice to see what information I can fit. Results are here. With opened paper Without opened paper I have taken a look at quickscrape.

Veröffentlicht in Syntaxus baccata

Extended proposal ( 3 June 2016, GitHub, with comments ): Analyzer and data visualizer for papers about conifers Description A program visualizing and listing data extracted with ContentMine software from a list of papers resulting from a query. Different types of data (authors, genes, molecules etc.) will be listed in different columns.

Veröffentlicht in Syntaxus baccata

Start of the project. What I am going to do: update Citation.js to accept quickscrape's results.json look into quickscrape and the other programs, mainly to see how I can make a similar command for my own project perhaps add/improve some scrapers try to make a card prototype for the database No real work yet, but some orientation and preparing until I have some more information.