Rogue Scholar Beiträge

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Autor Björn Brembs

There are those who demand journal peer-review be paid extra on top of academic salaries. Let’s have a look at the financials of that proposal. The article linked above confirms common rates of academic consulting fees, i.e., anything between US$100 per hour for graduate students and US$350 per hour for faculty. Taking a conservative US$200 as an easy, lower-bound estimate for, say, a post-doc hour seems to cover most cases.

Veröffentlicht in GigaBlog

It was a year to remember, for more than one reason: 2022 marked the 10th anniversary of GigaScience ’s launch. The journal’s younger sibling GigaByte got an award and continued to innovate with living documents and its first trilingual article. And we published lots of memorable research, featuring, for example, a giant tortoise and 26 deadly snakes.

Veröffentlicht in GigaBlog

In another first for the novel GigaByte publication platform developed by River Valley Technologies, this week marks the first time multilingual articles have been simultaneously published in English, Spanish and Ukrainian Open Science has gained momentum over the past decade, and embracing that, GigaScience Press has aimed at pushing scientific publishing beyond just making articles open access toward making the entire process open

Veröffentlicht in GigaBlog

GigaByte Journal wins the ALPSP Innovation Award for their interactive articles and tools aimed at fulfilling the UNESCO Recommendation on Open Science We at GigaScience Press are very pleased to announce that our newest journal GigaByte has won the 2022 ALPSP Award for Innovation in Scholarly Publishing.

Veröffentlicht in quantixed

When preparing images for publication, it is good practice to check how accessible they are for colour blind people. Using a simple bit of code, it is possible to check an image – or a whole figure – in ImageJ for accessibility. For example, Figure 1 from our recent paper. Originally looked like this: Using the script we can see how it appears to people with different types of colour blindness.

Veröffentlicht in quantixed

We have a new paper out. It’s about how chromosomes get shared during cell division. The paper in a nutshell In science-speak Misaligned chromosomes outside the exclusion zone become *ensheathed *in multiple layers of endomembranes. This event consigns the chromosome to missegregation and generates a micronucleus. In normal language Cells can make mistakes when they divide.

Veröffentlicht in Politics, Science, Political Science
Autor Ingo Rohlfing

In place of a generic blog post, I am reposting a short Twitter thread here. The thread is a response to an opinion piece on the Times Higher Education website titled Pay researchers for results, not plans. (Posts on the THE website require registration of an account that includes a couple of free reads.) I copy-paste thread into this post. If you prefer to read it on Threadreader, you find it here.