Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in
Autor Georg Fischer

Die Grafikdesign-Plattform Canva bietet eine große Auswahl an Bildern, Grafiken, Schriftarten und weiteren Elementen zur Bearbeitung im Browser und anschließendem Download an. Die intuitive Bedienung und die oft kostenlosen Inhalte kostenlos machen die Plattform bei Anwender*innen beliebt.

Veröffentlicht in Martin Paul Eve

People often think that reading a novel is a very linear activity. You start at the start and proceed through the text. As in most media forms, though, the beginning of any novel is really not truly its beginning. The American author, Thomas Pynchon, the focus of my paper today, is famed, it could be argued, mostly for three things.

Veröffentlicht in BIOgarabatos
Autor Layla Michán

Curso de investigación digital ¿Sabes qué es el sexo? Curso impartido en línea del 27 al 31 de mayo 2024 16:00 a 20:00 horasDirigido docentes del Sistema Incorporado que imparten las materias Biología I, II, III, IV y Ciencias de la Salud interesados en integrar el uso de las herramientas informáticas a través de la web. Objetivos particulares: Identificar fuentes de información relevantes, con la finalidad de

Veröffentlicht in Leiden Madtrics

The origin of the phrase "publish or perish" was first questioned by Eugene Garfield (1996). He wrote that he had used the phrase in his speeches for thirty years, but had not heard anything about its origin. He consulted professors, librarians, dictionaries, and the Internet, but never found out who first suggested the phrase.

Veröffentlicht in BLOG ATARRAYA
Autor Atarraya

por Enriqueta Quiroz Hace más de 10 mil años nuestros pueblos originarios en su condición de cazadores recolectores, fueron muy hábiles al trasladar semillas y especies de un lado a otro del territorio con el fin de proveerse de alimentos. Esta práctica dio origen a la domesticación de plantas, es decir, a la agricultura.

Veröffentlicht in Triton Station

This is an update to a post from a few years ago, which itself was an update to a webpage I wrote in 2008, with many updates in between. At that time, the goalposts for detecting WIMPs had already moved repeatedly. I felt some need then to write down a brief synopsis of the history of a beloved hypothesis (including by myself) that had obviously failed as the goalposts were in motion again. That was sixteen years ago.