Rogue Scholar Beiträge

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A novel compression technique ensuring comparable performance with 70% less parameters Author Amanda Kau ( ORCID : 0009–0004–4949–9284) Introduction The sizes of large language models (LLMs) have been steadily increasing over the last few years.

Veröffentlicht in rOpenSci - open tools for open science

Do you maintain an open-source project like an R package or a collection thereof, and wonder how to best use various communication channels to inform and engage with your community of users?We’ve consolidated this list of tips.Some of them are required in our opinion, others are simply nice to have.Required: Having good release notes Since you’re developing a product, the first act of communication is to write informative release notes.Release

Veröffentlicht in BLOG ATARRAYA
Autor Atarraya

Brenda R. Fernández, DR © Colección: Silencios 2023Instalación Brenda R. Fernández.Técnica mixtal – lienzo en 3era dimensión.90 x170 x 55 cm. Encontrarse en el cuerpo, fuera Brenda artista envuelve su cuerpo. La envoltura fragua con todo y epidermis. Como cualquier desprendimiento, duele. Se arranca el clon y lo tira.

Veröffentlicht in Henry Rzepa's Blog

What constitutes an “impossible molecule”? Well, here are two, the first being the topic of a recent article[cite]10.1021/jacs.4c02637[/cite]. The second is a favourite of organic chemistry tutors, to see if their students recognise it as an unusual (= impossible) form of a much better known molecule. Perhaps we could define impossible molecules into two slightly different classes.

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Autor Wenyi Pi

Enhancing Data Interactivity with LLMs and Neo4j Knowledge Graphs Author Wenyi Pi ( ORCID : 0009–0002–2884–2771) Introduction Since OpenAI launched ChatGPT, a large language model (LLM) based chatbot, in 2023, it has set off a technological wave.

Veröffentlicht in Journal of Open Source Software Blog |
Autor Arfon M. Smith

Subscribe Now: Apple, Spotify, YouTube, RSS Irea Mosquera-Lois and Seán Kavanagh join Arfon and Abby to discuss releasing software based on important research observations, earning a PhD, and building ShakeNBreak, a defect structure searching method that better identifies low-energy structures. Irea is a PhD Student at Imperial College London. Seán is an Environmental Fellow at Harvard University.

Veröffentlicht in Triton Station

And pretty much everywhere else First, a pretty picture: The sun is nearing the peak of its eleven year sunspot cycle. That means lots of sunspots and associated activity. Solar prominences, visible to the naked eye during the eclipse, are bands of plasma entrained in the magnetic field connecting pairs of sunspots. Once in a while, these break out in solar flares.