Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in rOpenSci - open tools for open science

We first introduced our Coworking andOffice Hour sessions in August 2021 after a successful pilot of several’label-athon’s in the April and May prior. We’ve had a successful couple of years since then and the coworking sessionshave evolved into themed events with different community hosts and me asa facilitator. It’s been a lovely change and we thought it was time to share these updates with the rOpenSci community! 🎉 What are these sessions?

How do you measure the impact of a champions program? This was the central question of a working session at CZI’s Accelerating Open Science in Latin America workshop, convened by rOpenSci’s Community Manager Yani Bellini Saibene and attended by CSCCE’s Founder and Director, Lou Woodley. Measuring the impact of any kind of community program presents a series of challenges: What is the impact that you’re hoping your program will have?

Tal como lo anticipamos en noviembre del 2022 los cambios aplicados en Twitter han generado un espacio menos seguro y amigable para nuestra comunidad. Es por eso que a partir de Junio de 2023 , dejaremos de interactuar en esa plataforma. Mantendremos la cuenta con la esperanza de poder volver cuando Twitter vuelva a ser un espacio seguro y solidario, pero mientras tanto centraremos nuestros esfuerzos de comunicación en otros lugares.

As we anticipated in November 2022 the changes implemented by Twitter have generated a less safe and friendly space for our community. That is why from June 2023 , we will stop interacting on this platform. We will maintain the account in hopes that we can return when Twitter is once again a safe and supportive space, but in the meanwhile will focus our communication efforts elsewhere.

Autoren Yanina Bellini Saibene, Alejandra Bellini, Lucio Casalla, Steffi LaZerte

Un nuevo artículo de nuestra serie de entrevistas “Conociendo a las estrellas del universo R”. Nuestro objetivo es presentar a los equipos y personas que están detrás del desarrollo de software y paquetes que utilizamos y que están disponibles a través del R-universe. Queremos destacar y explorar diferentes equipos y proyectos de todo el mundo, el trabajo que realizan, sus procesos y usuarios.

Veröffentlicht in rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Autoren Yanina Bellini Saibene, Alejandra Bellini, Lucio Casalla, Steffi LaZerte

A new post of our interview series “Meeting the stars of the R-universe”. We aim to introduce the teams and people behind the development of software and packages many of us use and which are available through the R-Universe. We want to highlight and explore different teams and projects around the world, the work they do, their processes and users. Our third stop is the United States to talk with members of the PEcAn project.

Veröffentlicht in rOpenSci - open tools for open science

A lot of what I do as rOpenSci’s community assistant is related to social media.I check for posts about rOpenSci packages, invite people to share usecases,advertise upcoming events, as well as promotingnew packages which completed software peer review.