Rogue Scholar Beiträge

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Not a computer in sight! I refer to a chemistry lab from the 1800s I was recently taken to, where famous french chemists such as Joseph Gay-Lussac, Michel Chevreul and Edmond Fremy were professors. Although not used for chemistry any more, it is an incredible treasure trove of objects. Here are photos of some.

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Here is another example gleaned from that Woodward essay of 1967 ( Chem. Soc. Special Publications (Aromaticity), 1967 , 21 , 217-249), where all might not be what it seems. Woodward notes that the reaction between the (highly reactive) 1 does not occur.

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The concept of a shared electron bond and its property of an order is almost 100 years old in modern form, when G. N. Lewis suggested a model for single and double bonds that involved sharing either 2 or 4 electrons between a pair of atoms[cite]10.1021/ja02261a002[/cite]. We tend to think of such (even electron) bonds in terms of their formal bond order (an integer), recognising that the actual bond order (however defined) may not fulfil this

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The benzidine rearrangement is claimed to be an example of the quite rare [5,5] sigmatropic migration[cite]10.1021/ja00335a035[/cite], which is a ten-electron homologation of the very common [3,3] sigmatropic reaction ( e.g. the Cope or Claisen). Some benzidine rearrangements are indeed thought to go through the [3,3] route[cite]10.1021/ja00309a041[/cite]. The topic has been reviewed here[cite]10.1002/poc.610020702[/cite]. In

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All organic chemists are familiar with the stereochemical notation for bonds, as shown below. But I had difficulty tracking down when it was introduced, and by whom. I offer a suggestion here, but if anyone reading this blog has got a better/earlier attribution, please let us know!

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Recollect, Robinson was trying to explain why the nitroso group appears to be an o/p director of aromatic electrophilic substitution. Using σ/π orthogonality, I suggested that the (first ever) curly arrows as he drew them could not be the complete story, and that a transition state analysis would be needed. Here it is.  Let me set the scene on how this might be done.

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Twenty years are acknowledged to be a long time in Internet/Web terms. In the early days (in 1994), it was a taken that the passage of 1 Web day in the Internet time-warp was ~≡ 7 for the rest of the world (the same factor as applied to the lives of canines). This temporal warping can also be said to apply to computational chemistry.

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Back in 1994, we published the crystal structure of the molecule below (X=H), a putative anti-malarial drug called halofantrine . Little did we realise that a whole area of organo catalysis based on a thiourea catalyst with a similar motif would emerge a little later. Here is how the two are connected. In our original article we described how our interest was sparked by observing the following chiral HPLC behaviour.