Rogue Scholar Beiträge

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Large Language Models for Fake News Generation and Detection Author Amanda Kau ( ORCID : 0009–0004–4949–9284) Introduction In recent years, fake news has become an increasing concern for many, and for good reason. Newspapers, which we once trusted to deliver credible news through accountable journalists, are vanishing en masse along with their writers.

Veröffentlicht in Bastian Greshake Tzovaras

The pews of the Internet Archive back in 2018. tl;dr: Posts on this blog are now automatically archived, indexed and full-text searchable through The Rogue Scholar . The jury might still be out on whether the small or indie web will make a comeback, but I’ve personally enjoyed posting more on my blog here in recent months.

Veröffentlicht in Math ∩ Programming
Autor Jeremy Kun

I’ve been learning recently about how to approximate functions by low-degree polynomials. This is useful in fully homomorphic encryption (FHE) in the context of “arithmetic FHE” (see my FHE overview article), where the computational model makes low-degree polynomials cheap to evaluate and non-polynomial functions expensive or impossible. In browsing the state of the art I came across two interesting things.

Veröffentlicht in BLOG ATARRAYA
Autor Atarraya

por Alicia Salmerón En 1892 fueron publicadas las Memorias del general Porfirio Díaz. La obra era un primer tomo de lo que, seguramente, se pensó como una obra más amplia. Había sido editada por Matías Romero, el hábil diplomático y, en el momento secretario de Hacienda de don Porfirio.

Veröffentlicht in Math ∩ Programming
Autor Jeremy Kun

About two years ago, I switched teams at Google to focus on fully homomorphic encryption (abbreviated FHE, or sometimes HE). Since then I’ve got to work on a lot of interesting projects, learning along the way about post-quantum cryptography, compiler design, and the ins and outs of fully homomorphic encryption.

Se me quedan muchas cosas, pero aquí va lo básico, elemental, para obervar en un texto con miras a su uniformidad. En las editoriales hay diversos tipos de correcciones (ortotipográfica, de estilo) y pueden existir tantas intervenciones como determine el editor. Esta sería una primera intervención, si se quiere… Haz una lectura general: Lee el texto completo de forma rápida para tener una idea general del contenido y la estructura.