Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

Got this in my inbox this morning. I presume this means that the 30 days start now. But if you’re interested in this stuff, don’t tarry. And you should be interested in this stuff. This volume brings together some very active and knowledgeable researchers–including our fellow SV-POW!sketeer, Darren Naish, and sometime coauthor Dave Hone–writing on a broad range of interesting topics under the umbrella of behavior. Here’s the link.

Veröffentlicht in Jabberwocky Ecology

A couple of weeks ago Eli Kintisch (@elikint) interviewed me for what turned out to be a great article on “Sharing in Science” for Science Careers. He also interviewed Titus Brown (@ctitusbrown) who has since posted the full text of his reply, so I thought I’d do the same thing. Definitely. Sharing code and data helps the scientific community make more rapid progress by avoiding duplicated effort and by facilitating more reproducible research.

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Bereits im Mai hat das Abgeordnetenhaus Berlin einstimmig einen Antrag zur Entwicklung einer Open-Access-Strategie für das Land Berlin verabschiedet. Mit diesem Schritt will Berlin den offenen Zugang zu wissenschaftlichen Ergebnissen, die an den Hochschulen und Forschungseinrichtungen der Hauptstadt entstehen, vorantreiben.

Veröffentlicht in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

In a couple of weeks (in the early afternoon of 25 June), I’ll be speaking at ESOF 2014 (the EuroScience Open Forum) in Copenhagen, Denmark. The session I’m part of is entitled “Should science always be open?“, and the irony is not lost on me that, as that page says, “You must be registered and signed in to download session materials.” So here is the abstract for my talk — one of four in the session, to be followed by an open discussion.

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Schon seit 2012 weiss man, dass von Elsevier, Springer und Thieme Klage gegen den Dokumentlieferdienst der ETH-Bibliothek eingereicht wurde. Wie es aber weiterging war weitgehend unklar, insbesondere da die ETH-Bibliothek es tunlichst vermeidet, den Konflikt an die grosse Glocke zu hängen. Am 7. April 2014 fand am Handelsgericht des Kanton Zürich die Gerichtsverhandlung statt.

Veröffentlicht in GigaBlog

3000 Rice Genome Sequences Made Publicly Available on World Hunger Day Yesterday marked the publication in GigaScience of the first data from the 3,000 Rice Genomes Project, a collaboration between the Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences (CAAS), the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI), and BGI; as well as a commentary from the Directors of these institutes outlining the goals of this ambitious project.

Veröffentlicht in A blog by Ross Mounce
Autor Ross Mounce

[Update: the conference itself will be in November, 2014 – this is just the first announcement!] I’m super excited to announce I’m part of the international organizing committee for OpenCon 2014:         You can read the official first press release about this event here:

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Mehr Gold und Grün beim SNF Es waren wegweisende Neuigkeiten, die der Schweizerische Nationalfonds (SNF) am 16. April 2014 für den Sommer ankündigte. Ab Juli verlangt der SNF bei von ihm mitfinanzierten Buchpublikationen, dass diese nach einer Sperrfrist von längstens 24 Monaten auf einem institutionellen oder fachspezifischen Repositorium frei zugänglich sind.