Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

As a nice little perk–presumably for being early adopters and users of PeerJ–Mike and I each have been given a small number of referral codes, which will allow other folks to publish in PeerJ for free, as long as the papers are submitted by March 1, 2014.

Veröffentlicht in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

Well, folks, I’m back from Berlin. And what an extraordinary couple of days it was. There were in fact three days of open-access talks, though I was only able to be there for the first two. Day one was the satellite conference, aimed at early-career researchers;

Veröffentlicht in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

Yesterday I was at the Berlin 11 satellite conference for students and early-career researchers. It was a privilege to be part of a stellar line-up of speakers, including the likes of SPARC’s Heather Joseph, PLOS’s Cameron Neylon, and eLIFE’s Mark Patterson. But even more than these, there were two people who impressed me so much that I had to give in to my fannish tendencies and have photos taken with them. Here they are.

Veröffentlicht in GigaBlog

As the GigaScience journal moves from strength-to-strength, with that comes the expansion of the editorial and data management teams that are now spanning three continents – and what better way to meet than at the 8th International Conference on Genomics (ICG8) in Shenzhen, China, co-organised by the BGI and GigaScience. Held at the Thunderbirdsesque Vanke International Conference Centre in the popular seaside resort of

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Anlässlich der internationalen Open Access Week 2013 gibt die Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft ihre neue Open-Access-Richtlinie bekannt. Von Mittelempfängern des “Impuls- und Vernetzungsfonds” der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft wird künftig erwartet, dass sie Veröffentlichungen, die in geförderten Projekten entstehen, frei zugänglich machen. Der Impuls- und Vernetzungsfonds ist eines der zentralen finanziellen Förderinstrumente der Helmholtz-Gemeinschaft.

Veröffentlicht in Sauropod Vertebra Picture of the Week

It shouldn’t come as a huge surprise to regular readers that PeerJ is Matt’s and my favourite journal. Reasons include its super-fast turnaround, beautiful formatting that doesn’t look like a facsimile of 1980s printed journals, and its responsiveness to authors and readers.