Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in kumulonimbus

Probablemente sientes que estamos inundados con información sobre la evolución de la pandemia de COVID-19. Sin embargo, nada mejor que manejar los datos uno mismo y analizarlos desde distintos puntos de vista. Creo que siempre hay alguien que observará algo en los datos que se nos ha escapado a millones de observadores y creo que cualquier aporte en esta emergencia mundial es valioso.

Veröffentlicht in Elephant in the Lab
Autor Nataliia sokolovska

Computational models and huge amounts of available data allow us to predict the outbreak of COVID-19 globally and prepare respective measures to react to this crisis. Policy-makers, journalists and individuals refer to such calculations on a daily basis and they are prominently present in the public discourse.

Veröffentlicht in Elephant in the Lab
Autor Elias Koch

Over the past 10 years, my colleagues and I have been doing research on research, on how academic knowledge is created (i.e. scholarly communication) and disseminated (i.e. research communication). We have been looking at how researchers collaborate and share data (here, here and here), how they perform quality checks (here), where they publish and how they engage with the public (here and here). Perhaps the most important insight I have gained

Veröffentlicht in Andrew Heiss's blog

This is written for instructors in the Department of Public Management and Policy at the Andrew Young School of Policy Studies at Georgia State University, but it’s hopefully widely applicable too. With more than 100 universities moving their teaching online (including Emory just last night), it’s looking more and more inevitable that GSU will make a similar switch any time now.