Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Autor Noam Ross

Me complace, emociona y llena de humildad anunciar que asumo el cargo de Director Ejecutivo de rOpenSci a partir del 1 de Abril. En primer lugar, permítanme expresar mi gratitud a nuestro Director Ejecutivo saliente y amigo Karthik Ram por su liderazgo y tutoría al frente de rOpenSci durante la última década. Ha sido una mano firme y un visionario que ha ayudado a nuestra comunidad a lograr tanto juntos en este tiempo.

Veröffentlicht in Leiden Madtrics
Autoren Julián D. Cortés, Catalina Ramírez

Imagine national science policy as a musical chair game. The contestants are the science system actors, such as researchers, research groups, universities, companies, among others. Some actors can have more expertise dancing at the rhythm of salsa than hip-hop, while others might be more agile in finding a seat when the music pauses. The government plays or pauses the music, modulates its speed or changes the genre.

Veröffentlicht in Lucidarios

Me toca, finalmente, hablar ahora del lápiz que dejé pendiente hace dos semanas (en realidad, hace dos meses, porque he ido dilatando escribir esta entrada para que coincida con el inicio real de la collatio ). Descartados CollateX y Juxta , comencé a buscar una alternativa simple para esta labor.

Veröffentlicht in Samuel Moore
Autor Samuel Moore

Open access policy mandates have never been an effective way of convincing researchers of the benefits of exploring alternative, open publishing practices. Forcing someone to do something will not help them engage with the reasons for doing it. Instead, the mandate feels like a simple tickbox exercise that can be ignored once fulfilled.

Veröffentlicht in iPhylo

How to cite: Page, R. (2024). Hugging Face Autotrain These are notes to myself on using Hugging Face AutoTrain. The first version of this had a very nice interface where you could simply upload a folder of images and train a model. It was limited in the range of tasks and models, but made up for that in ease of use.

Veröffentlicht in
Autor Georg Fischer

Ein kurzes Schlagzeug-Solo wird zum popkulturellen Phänomen: zehntausendfach gesampelt, stilprägend für ganzes Genres – und doch verdiente Schlagzeuger Gregory Coleman niemals einen Cent am zweiten Leben seiner Schöpfung. Erinnerung an die faszinierende und traurige Geschichte des Amen Break. Atlanta, 1969: Normalerweise tingelt die Soul-Band The Winstons mit Cover-Versionen aktueller Chart-Hits durch die Clubs. Man lebt von Gig zu Gig.

Veröffentlicht in GigaBlog

The Annual International Biocuration Conference (AIBC) was held for the first in India, at the Indian Biological Data Centre (IBDC), Regional Centre for Biotechnology (RCB), Faridabad and co-hosted by the Department of Plant Molecular Biology, University of Delhi South Campus. As usual, GigaDB had representation at the event (see write-ups of many previous meetings here), Mary Ann Tuli and Chris Hunter. Both of whom were wearing two hats!

Veröffentlicht in quantixed

Hot on the heals of the post on how to downsize microscopy movie files, let’s look at ways to shrink the size of a PDF file. There’s several ways to tackle this – suggestions came from this thread on Mastodon. Scenario: you have created a preprint/manuscript/proposal in PDF format.

Veröffentlicht in Stories by Research Graph on Medium

Exploring the Boundaries of Creativity and Responsibility in the Age of AI-Driven Media Author Vaibhav Khobragade ( ORCID: 0009–0009–8807–5982) Introduction In 2024, the discipline of Generative AI takes a big step forward with the launch of revolutionary models that convert text into dynamic films, altering the landscape of digital content creation.