Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Bastian Greshake Tzovaras

Eugenia and I made our first zine, available here , for our ongoing documentary photography project as if the sand were stone . The project focuses on how small villages & hamlets across the Argentinean Pampa are adapting in response to a shift in urbanism and transport – from rail to road. For our first zine, we selected 24 images, all made on black &

Veröffentlicht in Bastian Greshake Tzovaras

Get a copy of the first zine of the project As if the sand were made of stone is an ongoing documentary photography project that we (that is Eugenia and I) are working on. The project covers how small villages & hamlets across rural Argentina – in particular the Argentinean Pampa – are changing and adapting in response to transport shifting from rail to road.

Veröffentlicht in Aaron Tay's Musings about librarianship
Autor Aaron Tay

One of the tricks about using the newer "AI powered" search systems like Elicit, SciSpace and even JSTOR experiment search is that they recommend that you type in your query or what you want in full natural language and not keyword search style (where you drop the stop words) for better results. So for example do

Veröffentlicht in Martin Modrák

In this post we’ll explore the link between Bayes factors and cross-validation as discussed in Fong & Holmes 2020: On the marginal likelihood and cross-validation. I’ll then argue why this is a reason to not trust Bayes factors too much. This is a followup to Three ways to compute a Bayes factor, though I will repeat all the important bits here.

Veröffentlicht in BLOG ATARRAYA
Autor Atarraya

(El lenguaje historiográfico, III) por Fausta Gantús La historiografía mexicana y la mexicanista han estado dominadas, al menos desde mediados del siglo pasado –el XX– por el uso de cierto vocabulario peyorativo con respecto a la larga etapa decimonónica en la que presidió los destinos de la República el general Porfirio Díaz, fuertemente influenciada por la obra capital, y hoy clásica, coordinada por Daniel Cosío Villegas,

Veröffentlicht in I.D.E.A.S.
Autor Joseph L'Huillier

This is a preprint of a manuscript currently under peer review. Abstract Importance: Gossip, defined by social scientists as “evaluative talk about an absent third party,” is anecdotally pervasive, yet poorly understood in surgical residency programs. Objective: This study sought to deconstruct the role of gossip in surgical residency and evaluate its impact through the lens of surgical residents.

Veröffentlicht in
Autor Björn Brembs

We are looking for a PhD student interested in the functional, molecular and structural profile of neuronal circuits underlying learning, memory and behavior. In a 30-year research effort (lay summary, paper), we have recently identified a new gene (atypical PKC, aPKC) necessary for a form of motor learning in the fruit fly Drosophila and in which neurons it is required.

Veröffentlicht in Open Access Brandenburg
Autor Sharon Hundehege

Autorinnen: Celina Karlsson (0000-0002-5431-8669), Sharon Hundehege (0009-0008-5594-4179)   Im Fokus des 36. Open Access Smalltalks der Vernetzungs- und Kompetenzstelle stand das Forschungsprojekt KidRewi und nutzte die Gelegenheit, sich Teilnehmenden aus verschiedenen Einrichtungen aus vorzustellen.

Veröffentlicht in Economics from the Top Down
Autor Blair Fix

Download: PDF | EPUB When it comes to Bitcoin, there’s one thing that almost everyone agrees on: the network sucks up a tremendous amount of energy. But from there, disagreement is the rule. For critics, Bitcoin’s thirst for energy is self-evidently bad — the equivalent of pouring gasoline in a hole and setting it on fire. But for Bitcoin advocates, the network’s energy gluttony is the necessary price of having a secure digital currency.