Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Henry Rzepa's Blog

The Masamune-Bergman reaction[cite]10.1039/C29710001516[/cite],[cite]10.1021/ja00757a071[/cite] is an example of  a highly unusual class of chemical mechanism[cite]10.1021/cr4000682[/cite] involving the presumed formation of the biradical species shown as Int1 below by cyclisation of a cycloenediyne reactant. Such a species is  so reactive that it will be quickly trapped, as for example by dihydrobenzene to form

Veröffentlicht in Bastian Greshake Tzovaras

A video of Panoramax in action. Starting out with a map view which has small orange lines for where images are available. Then going into the actual 360 degree images and moving around. Above: a video showcasing the panoramax viewer, with a map to see where (most [1] ) images are, and the 360º views.

Veröffentlicht in chem-bla-ics

Scholia is a visual layer on top of Wikidata providing a rich user experience for browing scholarly research related knowledge. I am using the combinatie for various things, including exploring new research topics (a method, compound, or protein I do not know so much about yet), indexing notable research output (including citations), progress of Citation Typing Ontology uptake, etc.

Veröffentlicht in Triton Station

Given recent developments in the long-running hunt for dark matter and the difficulty interpreting what this means, it seems like a good juncture to re-up* this: The history of science is a decision tree. Vertices appear where we must take one or another branching. Sometimes, we take the wrong road for the right reasons. A good example is the geocentric vs. heliocentric cosmology.

Veröffentlicht in Research Software Alliance
Autor Research Software Alliance

Image was created with the assistance of AI. By Michelle Barker, Kim Hartley, Daniel S. Katz, Richard Littauer, Qian Zhang, Shurui Zhou, Jyoti Bhogal August 2024 [This blog post has been cross-posted by the Netherlands eScience Center, Software Sustainability Institute, and US-RSE.] Abstract This position paper provides a statement on the criticality of research software in artificial intelligence (AI)-driven research and makes

Veröffentlicht in Lucidarios

Retomando lo dicho en la entrada anterior, la concepción alfonsí de la autoría parece haber influenciado las afirmaciones de J. E. Nieremberg sobre el Lucidario . A pesar de lo que sostuvo en el primer folio de su traducción latina, el Elucidarium , el jesuita defendió en Obras y días (1629) la autoría grupal del Lucidario , reconociendo que aunque Sancho IV fue su autor , en su escritura participaron