Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Martin Paul Eve

When training PhD students and other postgraduates, we often have a section on publication. It covers the basic background process, the rudiments of peer review, and what to expect. There is often, also, a lengthy discussion of ensuring that you publish in the place that will do most for your career. What is the _prestige_ status of the journal, for instance?

Veröffentlicht in re3data COREF Project Blog
Autor re3data Team

re3data Call for Editorial Board The registry has been in operation for over 10 years and provides a curated index of over 3,000 research data repositories around the world from all disciplines. New repositories are identified and reviewed by an international editorial board who bring different subject, language, and cultural backgrounds to catalog and represent a diverse and ever-growing data repository landscape.

Veröffentlicht in
Autor Sarah Baumann

Künstliche Intelligenz, aber reguliert? Die EU legt die weltweit erste Verordnung vor, um die Potentiale und Risiken von KI-Systemen gesetzlich zu regeln. Der AI-Act enthält Transparenz-Pflichten für KI-Anbieter, Regelungen zu Deep Fakes, hohem Energieverbrauch und zu einigem mehr. KI-Systeme wie beispielsweise ChatGPT können Bewerbungen schreiben, Reisen planen, Studienarbeiten verfassen und sogar Kunstwerke nachahmen oder Stimmen imitieren.

Veröffentlicht in Stories by Amir Aryani on Medium

Integrating Large Language Models (LLMs) such as GPT into organizations’ data workflows is a complex process with various challenges. These obstacles include but are not limited to technical, operational, ethical, and legal dimensions, each presenting hurdles that organisations must navigate to harness the full potential of LLMs effectively.