Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in Triton Station

The results from the high redshift universe keep pouring in from JWST. It is a full time job, and then some, just to keep track. One intriguing aspect is the luminosity density of the universe at z > 10. I had not thought this to be problematic for LCDM, as it only depends on the overall number density of stars, not whether they’re in big or small galaxies. I checked this a couple of years ago, and it was fine.

Veröffentlicht in BLOG ATARRAYA
Autor Atarraya

por Nina Hasegawa Mi libro El impreso popular en México en tiempos de J.G. Posada y de su editor A. Vanegas Arroyo publicado en japonés por la Sophia University Press en 2023 da a conocer quiénes fueron José Guadalupe Posada (1852-1913) y Antonio Vanegas Arroyo (1852-1917), y describe, en base a un corpus de 33 […]

Veröffentlicht in Henry Rzepa's Blog

Following on from my template exploration of the Wilkinson hydrogenation catalyst, I now repeat this for the Grubbs variant of the Alkene metathesis reaction. As with the Wilkinson, here I focus on the stereochemistry of the mechanism as first suggested by Chauvin[cite][/cite], an aspect lacking in eg the Wikipedia entry.

Veröffentlicht in Stories by Adam Day on Medium
Autor Adam Day

So, we’ve established that papermills like to use templates. We see templates in referee reports and in the text of cookie-cutter research papers. There’s an important insight here: Templates are used in legit academic behaviour as well as in industrial research fraud. So we need to be careful — we can’t assume that templates are necessarily a sign of research fraud.

Veröffentlicht in rOpenSci - open tools for open science

The package waywiser maintained by Mike Mahoney provides ergonomic methods for assessing spatial models.Assessing predictive models of spatial data can be challenging,both because these models are typically built for extrapolating outside the original region represented by training data and due to potential spatially structured errors,with “hot spots” of higher than expected error clustered geographically due to spatial structure in the

Veröffentlicht in Stories by Research Graph on Medium

The AI Helper Turning Mountains of Data into Bite-Sized Instructions Author Aland Astudillo (ORCID: 0009-0008-8672-3168) LLMs have been changing the way the entire world deals with problems and day-by-day tasks. To make them better for specific applications, they need huge amounts of data and complex and expensive approaches to training them.

Veröffentlicht in Economics from the Top Down
Autor Blair Fix

Download: PDF | EPUB Tech development is often portrayed as an open road — a smooth freeway of continuous progress. But the truth is that the road of technology is more like a suburban street, paved with numerous unmarked dead ends. To see one of these dead end, look at roads themselves. As a method for moving people, roads work well … until you fill them with millions of cars.

Veröffentlicht in BLOG ATARRAYA
Autor Atarraya

Youko Marian Horiuchi Beltrán, DR © Ilustración digital para impresión en serigrafía Ciudad de México, 2022 Sitio de la autora: Instagram Esta es una reproducción digital, con fines de divulgación, de una obra original, todos los derechos de autor y reproducción están reservados por el artista.

Veröffentlicht in Open Access Blog Berlin

Veranstaltung in der Reihe „Quo vadis offene Wissenschaft“ am 16. April 2024 Termin : 16. April 2024, 15:30 bis 17:00 Uhr Ort : Online via Zoom (Mailadresse für die Anmeldung) Veranstaltende : Berliner Arbeitskreis Information (BAK)