Rogue Scholar Beiträge

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Nature precedings is pre-publication server launched by Nature a few months ago. To quote from the website: Unable to resist, I've uploaded three manuscripts previously languishing as "Technical Reports" on my old server. The three I uploaded now have bright shiny DOIs, which may take a little while to register with CrossRef.

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Following on from my earlier grumble about how the catalogue of Life handles literature, I've spent an afternoon mapping publications in the "itis".publications table in a copy of ITIS to external GUIDs, such as DOIs, Handles, and SICIs in JSTOR. The mapping is not complete by any means, but gives an idea of how many publications have GUIDs.You can view the mapping here. Many of the publications in ITIS are books, which don't have DOIs.

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Playing with the recently released "Catalogue of Life" CD, and pondering Charles Hussey's recent post to TAXACOM about the "European Virtual Library of Taxonomic Literature (E-ViTL)" (part of EDIT) has got me thinking more and more about how primitive our handling of taxonomic literature is, and how it cripples the utility of taxonomic databases such as the Catalogue of Life.