Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in chem-bla-ics

Day 5 was formally the last day (see also the summaries of day 1, day 2 and day 3/4) of the Chemistry Development Kit Bug Squash Party (BSP). Miguel uploaded the last bits of his CDK PDBPolymer to CML to CDK PDBPolymer roundtripping functionality (closing a bug and a feature request in one go). Have not tested this first hand yet, but looking forward to playing with this bit of code.

Veröffentlicht in chem-bla-ics

Because I was struggling hard with default values for cdk.interfaces fields, I did not have time to write up the Bug Squash Party report for day 3 (see also day 1 and day 2). But here it is. Day 3 Kai worked hard on getting the cdk.interfaces API cleaned up, as agreed upon earlier. Christian added a test for the RMSD calculator (see getAllAtomRMSD()), and cleaned up his code a bit.

Veröffentlicht in chem-bla-ics

I plan to do a daily coverage of the Chemistry Development Kit Bug Squash Party (BSP). While Stefan was working hard to get the wiki machine back online after a hard-disc crash, Rajarshi, Miguel and me have been working hard. Miguel started to work on missing JUnit tests for bugs reported on SourceForge and Rajarshi fixed PMD, JavaDoc and other problems.