Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in FAIR Data Digest

Hi everyone, welcome to today’s edition on the the European Day of Languages (Q496423). ::: {.subscription-widget-wrap attrs=“{"url":"","text":"Subscribe","language":"en"}” component-name=“SubscribeWidgetToDOM”} Thanks for reading FAIR Data Digest! Subscribe for free to receive new posts and support my work.

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Autor Björn Brembs

I am contemplating to apply to join the European Commission Open Science Policy Platform. The OSPP will provide expert advice to the European Commission on implementing the broader Open Science Agenda. As you will see, some of us have a concern that the focus of the call is on organizations, not communities.

Veröffentlicht in Science in the Open
Autor Cameron Neylon

The Finch Report was commissioned by the UK Minister for Universities and Science to investigate possible routes for the UK to adopt Open Access for publicly funded research. The report was released last night and I have had just the chance to skim it over breakfast. These are just some first observations. Overall my impression is that the overall direction of travel is very positive but the detail shows some important missed opportunities.

Veröffentlicht in Science in the Open
Autor Cameron Neylon

On Monday 30 May I gave evidence at a European Commission hearing on Access to Scientific Information. This is the text that I spoke from. Just to re-inforce my usual disclaimer I was not speaking on behalf of my employer but as an independent researcher. We live in a world where there is more information available at the tips of our fingers than even existed 10 or 20 years ago.