Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in iPhylo

I've made some progress on a wiki of phylogenies. Still much to do, but here are some samples of what I'm trying to do.First up, here's an example of a publication addition to basic bibiographic details we have links to GenBank sequences and a phylogeny. The sequences are georeferenced, which enables us to generate a map.

Veröffentlicht in iPhylo

I'm slowing trying to get phylogenies into the wiki that I'm playing with. Here's an early example, the TreeBASE tree T6002, from the study A Phylogenomic Study of Birds Reveals Their Evolutionary History. The tree is displayed using my tvwidget. Below are listed the OTUs in the tree in a crude table. The idea is that this table will contain a mapping between OTU labels and taxa.