Rogue Scholar Beiträge

Veröffentlicht in iPhylo

More zoom viewer experiments (see previous post), this time with a linked map that updates as you browse the tree (SVG-capable browser required). As you browse the frog classification the map updates to show the location of georeferenced sequences in GenBank from the taxa in the part of the tree you are looking at. The map is limited to not more than 200 localities, and many frog sequences aren't georeferenced, but it's a fun way to combine

Veröffentlicht in iPhylo

Continuing experiments with a zoom viewer for large trees (see previous post), I've now made a demo where the labels are clickable. If the NCBI taxon has an equivalent page in Wikipedia the demo displays and link to that page (and, if present, a thumbnail image). Give it a try at watch the short video clip below: Zoomable viewer with Wikipedia thumbnails from Roderic Page on Vimeo.