Rogue Scholar Beiträge

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GigaScience Press would like to congratulate Victoire Nsabatien for winning a 2024 Ben Barres Spotlight Award for his two preprints publicly reviewed and published by GigaByte. Prizes are a good way of positively reinforcing and incentivizing good practice in opening up science, and eLife should be commended creating the Ben Barres Spotlight Award for groups that are underrepresented in biology and medicine.

Veröffentlicht in GigaBlog

The 8th World Congress on Research Integrity (WCRI) took place in Athens, Greece from 1st-5th June. GigaScience Press are regular attendees of this conference, and this year our organisation was represented by GigaScience Editor-in-Chief Scott Edmunds, Executive Editor Nicole Nogoy, and Data Scientist Chris Armit.

Veröffentlicht in GigaBlog

Today we publish a new Data Release presenting a dataset of jellyfish sightings collected by citizen scientists from 2021 through 2023 within Hong Kong waters. This is the first example where our curation team have worked with a Citizen Science project to share their observations in the GBIF biodiversity database.

Veröffentlicht in Europe PMC News Blog
Autor Summer Rosonovski

As 2024 begins we reflect on the achievements our team made in 2023 to meet your needs as users. The team’s efforts were concentrated on building trust in preprints, open sourcing code, as well as expanding and improving text-mining capabilities. Preprint highlights

Veröffentlicht in FAIR Data Digest

Hi everyone, today’s edition is about FAIR data that is not necessarily related to cultural heritage, but related to cars 🚗. We will have a look into an Open Data dataset of the Dutch government that provides data which hopefully helps me to answer some questions about child safety seats . Statistics shown in this post come from this GitHub repository.

Veröffentlicht in GigaBlog

It’s December, the festive season and the end of  year are approaching fast –  and it’s time for our traditional look back on the past 12 months at GigaScience Press . Once more, we are pleased with the view in the rear mirror.  In its 11th year, GigaScience again published exceptional “big data” science (read on for examples). And GigaScience’s

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Autor Fabian Rack

Wie steht’s um die rechtliche Seite der Webanalyse? Fabian Rack zeigt: In den meisten Fällen braucht es eine Einwilligung der Nutzer*innen, um ein Webanalyse-Tool wie Matomo einzusetzen. Das liegt an der DSGVO, vor allem aber am E-Privacy-Recht, das im TTDSG geregelt ist. Statistiken, die mit Webanalyse-Tools wie Matomo gewonnen werden, basieren auf Nutzungsdaten.

Veröffentlicht in OpenCitations blog
Autor Silvio Peroni

This post was first published on QUERTY: musings from the rabbit hole, a blog by Silvio Peroni In the scholarly ecosystem, a bibliographic citation is a conceptual directional link from a citing entity to a cited entity, used to acknowledge or ascribe credit for the contribution made by the author(s) of the cited entity.

Veröffentlicht in Open Access Brandenburg
Autor Philipp Falkenburg

Dieser Blogpost behandelt die Grundlagen des zum Anfang des Jahres gestarteten Dienstes OpenAlex. Er beantwortet die Frage, was OpenAlex überhaupt ist, beleuchtet die Hintergründe der Entstehung und versucht eine erste Einordnung für den aktuellen Ausbaustatus. Ein weiterer Fokus bildet das zugrunde liegende Modell globaler Wissenschaft und dessen mit Metadaten beschriebene Bestandteile als so genannte Entitätstypen.