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Geo★ Down Under

Experts in geodynamics, geophysics & geology tell you what you need to know
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Autores Hrvoje Tkalčić, Sima Mousavi

If we were lucky to travel to the Earth’s centre, perhaps as part of an international crew of terranauts chosen to observe and investigate our planet’s interior… just before entering the molten core, we would insist on making a “must stop” of our journey, almost like one of those vista points you can’t resist making a stop at, cruising along some imaginary coastal highway.

Autores Mark Quigley, Adam Pascale, Dee Ninis, Geo ★ Down Under Contributors

Australian earthquakes pose a high consequence – low likelihood risk that is widespread across the continent but is often not well characterised for some of Australia’s most important infrastructure.

Autores Voon Hui Lai, Meghan S. Miller, Geo ★ Down Under Contributors

Seismic waves are being recorded in more detail than ever before. In this latest collaboration with the NASA Deep Space Network (DSN), researchers from The ANU and AuScope’s Earth Imaging and Sounding Program explain Distributed Acoustic Sensing (DAS) infrastructure .