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Research Group Information Management @ Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin

Research Group Information Management @ Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
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Autores Catharina Ochsner, Heinz Pampel

Project launch: Infra Wiss Blogs - Ensuring Permanent Access to Scholarly Blogs We are excited to announce the launch of our new project, “Infra Wiss Blogs - Kooperative Informationsinfrastruktur für wissenschaftliche Blogs” funded by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG 2023). Blogs have become an indispensable component of digital science communication, serving as a platform for scholarly communication, a diary for documenting research

Autores Heinz Pampel, Marcel Wrzesinski, Ben Kaden, Margo Bargheer, Maxi Kindling, Dagmar Schobert

The conversation about advancing the open access transformation has been revitalized by the “Council Conclusions on High-Quality, Transparent, Open, Trustworthy, and Equitable Scholarly Publishing” issued by the EU Science Ministries in May 2023 (Council of the European Union 2023). In September 2023, we organized the conference “Community-Driven Open Access Publishing” as a satellite event of the Open Access Days 2023 (Bibliotheks- und

Autores Jens Klump, Heinz Pampel, Laura Rothfritz, Dorothea Strecker

Research is inherently dynamic, leading to equally dynamic data. This dynamic nature of research data raises numerous questions for professionals in information management at research institutions, libraries, and computing centers. Despite the conceptual establishment of research data citation through persistent identifiers (PIDs) in some communities, practical challenges remain.


In the beginning of June 2024, Nature reported on the Japanese Ministry of Education’s plan to invest 10 billion yen in expanding institutional Open Access Repositories (Singh Chawla 2024). This initiative provides a good opportunity to discuss the future of Open Access Repositories at the In collaboration with the project “Professionalization of the Open Access Repositories Infrastructure in Germany” (Pro OAR DE)