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Better sit thus, and observe thy strange things
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I was quite sceptical if an online conference could make me pay attention in the same way a “physical” conference could. Spoiler: It could. There were some minor issues, such as not so perfect sound, but it was sufficient. The conference took place at an online platform (hopin). All sessions were pre-recorded and made available for all attendees after the conference.


Last week I attended the official 2019 IIIF Conference in Göttingen. It was maybe the hottest week of the year, so the first thing the IIIF Consortium bought, was a fan to get some fresh air for the audience. IIIF? IIIF (Triple-eye-eff), the I nternational I mage I nteroparability F ramework is a set of APIs for having a standardized retrieval of Images, Metadata and more.