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Leiden Madtrics

Leiden Madtrics
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Autores Andrea Reyes Elizondo, Clara Calero-Medina

El Leiden Ranking de Universidades 2023 ha sido publicado el 21 de junio del presente año. Contiene 1411 universidades de todo el mundo, incluyendo 58 de América Latina. Al abrir la página para 2023 encontramos en un listado a la Universidad de São Paulo en la posición 12 y la Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México en la 98. Pero ¿qué significan estas posiciones?

Autores Nees Jan van Eck, Ludo Waltman, Zeynep Anli, Clara Calero-Medina, Dan Gibson, Mark Neijssel, Andrea Reyes Elizondo, Martijn Visser, Henri de Winter, Alfredo Yegros

Universities in the Leiden Ranking 2023 As Figure 1 shows, the number of universities in the Leiden Ranking keeps increasing. Like in the last three editions of the ranking, a university needs to have at least 800 fractionally counted publications in the most recent four-year time window to be included in the ranking. This year 1411 universities meet this criterion, 93 more than last year and 235 more than in 2020.

Autores Anna van ‘t Veer, Thed van Leeuwen, Dan Rudmann, Leo Waaijers, Ludo Waltman

Imagine academic publishing that is fast, transparent, and free. Is that a pipe dream or something within reach? We already have preprint publishing (fast), open peer review (transparent), and diamond/overlay journals (free). If we could connect these disparate initiatives, would that make our dream come true? And how could this best be done? These are questions that are currently being discussed by us and others at Leiden University.

Autores Sarah de Rijcke, Ludo Waltman, Ed Noyons

Academic research has become increasingly complex, multidisciplinary, collaborative, and transnational. The institutions that underpin research - including communication and evaluation systems - are trying to keep up, with varying levels of success. At the same time, our society is facing major challenges, including existential global health, welfare, and sustainability issues.

Autores Bram van den Boomen, Nees Jan van Eck, Ludo Waltman, Tony Ross-Hellauer, Serge Horbach

The scientific community is moving towards a more transparent way of conducting and reporting research. Scientific publications are becoming more and more openly accessible but openness should also extend to peer review, preprinting, preregistration, data sharing, metadata availability, and related issues.Research funders and other stakeholders are putting a significant effort into promoting open science practices in scholarly communication.

Autor André Brasil

Open science has gained significant momentum over the past few years, with various movements and initiatives emerging to promote sharing of scientific knowledge, data, and resources with the wider community. Open science is a broad term encompassing a range of practices that strive to increase transparency, inclusivity, and accessibility in science.


Most researchers will only think of their Curriculum Vitae (CV) when an application deadline is nearing. Yet a recent wave of initiatives to introduce so-called narrative CV formats by research funding bodies and universities across Europe have created debate about the affordances of an otherwise taken-for-granted bureaucratic genre.

Autor Carey Ming-Li Chen

The trip to the 26th International Conference on Science, Technology and Innovation Indicators (STI 2022) in Granada, Spain, was my first international trip since I had finished my one-year research stay in Leiden and come back to Taiwan. When I learned that the STI 2022 conference would be held physically, I was very excited about returning to Europe and reconnecting with the colleagues over there.