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OpenCitations blog

OpenCitations blog
The blog of the OpenCitations Infrastructure
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DataCite is an international organisation, founded in 2009, which promotes the use of DOIs (Digital Object Identifiers) for published datasets, in order to establish easier access to research data, to increase acceptance of research data as legitimate contributions in the scholarly record, and to support data archiving to permit results to be verified and re-purposed for future study. Its founding members were the British Library;


CiTO v2.0 contains just two main object properties, cito:cites and its inverse cito:isCitedBy , each of which as thirty-two sub-properties. Intentionally, these properties are not constrained as to domain or range, thereby maximising their applicability in a wide range of citation contexts.

Autor OpenCitations Team

The Open Citations Project is global in scope, designed to change the face of scientific publishing. It aims to make bibliographic citation links as easy to use as Web links. Its goals are three-fold: To establish, a public RDF triplestore for biomedical literature citations.