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rOpenSci - open tools for open science

rOpenSci - open tools for open science
Open Tools and R Packages for Open Science
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Autor Elio Campitelli

We are happy to announce the brand-new R Consortium Multilingual Working Group.This Working Group came about after discussions during the R Project Sprint 2023 and will oversee the implementation of multilingual documentation support in R and organise community translation efforts.Our first project is the (experimental) rhelpi18n package, which adds multilingual documentation support!

Autor The rOpenSci Team

Developing dendroNetwork as a package was not a goal from the beginning, but looking back, I think that it should have been. I wish someone had suggested making a package to me much earlier. Why? Because of many things, but mostly: reproducibility and transparency. This enables others to also use the method and software.

Autores Francisco Cardozo, Yanina Bellini Saibene, Camille Santistevan, Lou Woodley

The goal of the rOpenSci Champions Program is to enable more members of historically excluded groups to participate in, benefit from, and become leaders in the R, research software engineering, and open source and open science communities. This program includes 1-on-1 mentoring for the Champions as they complete a project and perform outreach activities in their local communities.


We first introduced our Coworking andOffice Hour sessions in August 2021 after a successful pilot of several’label-athon’s in the April and May prior. We’ve had a successful couple of years since then and the coworking sessionshave evolved into themed events with different community hosts and me asa facilitator. It’s been a lovely change and we thought it was time to share these updates with the rOpenSci community! 🎉 What are these sessions?


I’m thrilled to share that CRediTas has passed peer review and been accepted to rOpenSci as well as to CRAN. I am glad to acknowledge the editor Emily Riedered and the two reviewers Marcelo S. Perlin and João Martins. Their comments and support were really insightful. CRediTas is a tiny package to facilitate the tedious job of creating CRediT authors statements for scientific publications.


TL;DR rsnps is a package that enables the retrieval of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) data from the NCBI’s dbSNP database and openSNP by providing wrappers for the APIs. Single nucleotide polymorphisms represent differences at one specific position in a detected biological sequence compared to the reference. ncbi_snp_query() now returns all reported variant allele frequencies in dbSNP in column maf_population in form of a tibble.


This was how being a newcomer to rOpenSci OzUnconf 2019 felt. It was incredible to be a part of such a diverse, welcoming and inclusive environment. I thought it would be fun to blog about how it all began, and the twists and turns we experienced along the way as we developed the gghdr package. The package provides tools for plotting highest density regions with ggplot2 and was inspired by the package hdrcde developed by Rob J Hyndman.

Autor Scott Chamberlain

There is an increasing set of R packages for interacting with the web from R, whether it be the low level tools to interact with the web via http (see RCurl and httr), parsing data from the web (like RJSONIO and XML), or wrappers to web APIs that provide data (like twitteR). Most of you probably know about CRAN Task Views that aggregate information about R packages and functions on a particular subject area into a simple web page.

Autor Scott Chamberlain

Good discovery tools for sotware are important as they can facilitate the pace of software development, bugs are found and squashed and new features added more quickly, and users find software they need faster. We have a page on our website for our packages that provides an overview of the packages we have, with descriptions and links.