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Syntaxus baccata

Syntaxus baccata
Thoughts about bibliographic metadata, programming, statistics, taxonomy, and biology.
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Following up on the previous two updates this year ( Version 0.5 and a 2022 update and Version 0.6: CSL v1.0.2 ), here are some updates from the second half of 2022, as well as some statistics. Sapygina decemguttata , a small wasp, observed July 8th, 2021 Changes The mappings of the Wikidata plugin were updated, especially to accomodate for software. The default-locale setting of some CSL styles is now respected.


Since the citation-js npm package was first published, version 0.6 is the first major version of Citation.js that did not start out as a pre-release. Version 0.3 itself spent almost 6 months in pre-release, but only received updates for less than half a month. Version 0.4 spent more than a year in pre-release and received updates for about 4 months.


Last semester I followed some courses at a different university, and went through the process of collecting login credentials and multi-factor authentication tokens and familiarizing myself with a network of university systems all over again.


Version 0.5.0 Version 0.5.0 of Citation.js was released on April 1st, 2021. BibTeX and BibLaTeX After the update to the Bib(La)TeX file parser, described in the earlier BibTeX Rework: Syntax Update blog post, the mapping of BibTeX and BibLaTeX data to CSL-JSON was also updated. The mapping is now split in two, one for BibLaTeX (which is backwards-compatible with BibTeX) and one for BibTeX.


I recently updated the website of Citation.js. This involved getting rid of the Material Design Lite framework, simplifying and refreshing the site design and modernisering some of the code behind it. Additionally, I updated the content of the homepage, and added some functionality to the interface of the blog page and the demo.


The CDLI is developing a new website. That website’s admin interface for its journals contains a page where a LaTeX source file, following a specific template, is configured to an HTML page. For this, apart from the LaTeX file itself, two additional components are needed: a BibTeX file, containing metadata of the references; and image files.


Since Google Summer of Code 2020 I have been contributing code to the new framework of the Cuneiform Digital Library Initiative (CDLI), a digital repository for metadata, transliterations, images, and other data of cuneiform inscriptions, as well as tools to work with that data. One of the features of the new CDLI framework is improved editing of artifact metadata, as well as inscriptions.


Recently I moved the Citation.js API documentation from /api to /api/0.3, to put the new documentation on /api/0.5. I fixed all the links to the documentation, but I still got a issue request regarding a 404 error after just a few days. All in all, I had to redirect pages from /api/* to /api/0.3/* while all these pages are hosted as static files on GitHub Pages.


Almost two years ago I started participating on the then-new (now-archived) npm forum. I had been using npm for a few years at that point, and I had some free time to spend providing technical support, for fun. I fixed a number of bugs in the CLI, and users thanked me for those. My impact was limited, but the work was fulfilling. That is, until the developers at npm I had been working with got laid off.


A rework of the BibTeX parser has been on the backlog since at least August 15, 2017, and recently I started working on actually carrying it out — systematically. There were a number of things to be improved: Complete syntax support: again, supporting BibTeX by looking at examples leads in a lack of support for less seen features like @string, @preamble and parentheses for enclosing entries instead of braces.